Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving/Poopgate 2010

I started off Thanksgiving being extremely thankful for my whole, healthy family. Seth didn't make Thanksgiving last year because he had just gotten out of the hospital, so I was thrilled we would all be there this year. We make it to my Dad's, and after about an hour there it becomes apparent Seth is sick. Red eyes, feeling warm, and lazy. I hated to do it, but he had to go home. My wonderful husband took Seth home so Isaac and I could stay and have the Thanksgiving dinner. It was great (as always), but I was missing half of my fam.

I got home to a crying baby and vomit on the floor.. apparently I have great timing and arrived 10 seconds after the puke explosion. This was closely followed by a poop explosion, which I'm pretty sure was the original cause of this mess (I'll explain later). His fever was 102-103 and he was miserable, so he only slept that night if he was sleeping on me. Which means I got barely any sleep, and the sleep I got was in the form of the occasional nod off in the rocking chair. The fever finally let up on Saturday, and we knew he was feeling better when he started a pillow fight with Kevin.

Maybe now I should explain why I said a poop explosion may be the cause of all of this. Rewind to Monday: Kevin is at work, Seth just wakes up from a nap. I'm vacuuming, so Isaac runs up to open the door and say hi to Seth. Then I hear, "MOOOOM! SETH POOPED AND HE TOOK HIS DIAPER OFF AND IT IS ALL EVERYWHERE!!"
Great. So I run up, throw Seth on the toilet after stripping him down and scolding him, strip the bed and throw all of the sheets in the washing machine while he is crying on the toilet. It's everywhere, and I mean everywhere. His hands, feet, cup, crib... UGH.

Moral of the story - boys are gross and sometimes play with their poop, which could definitely lead to extreme intestinal sickness. Moms and Dads are awesome and clean up their poop and then take care of them when they are sick as a result of their grossness.

I feel sorry for those of you reading this that do not yet have children... I promise it's not ALL gross,but it is definitely part gross.

I started this post saying I was thankful for my whole, healthy family and that never changed. I am still thankful that Seth got through this without a respiratory flare up, and as far as I'm concerned that means he is HEALTHY. Two day fevers are serious, but I'll take it over respiratory issues any day.

And I am thankful that Isaac continues to be his extremely healthy, cute, smart self. We have decided today we need to write Santa a letter and send it to the North Pole. He figured out how to spell "Lego Racer" and he is doing SO well with his reading. Christmas is going to be extra fun this year with him. :)

Here is a picture we got on Thanksgiving, BEFORE Seth got sick... it's tough getting 2 kids to cooperate with a family picture!

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