Thursday, July 9, 2009

Welcome to the 21st centuryry

Since my second son was born, I have been keeping a journal for my 2 boys. I figure I should maybe move into the 21st century, and convert it to a blog. My oldest, Isaac Wayne, was born on May 3, 2005. My youngest, Seth Ian, was born on May 7, 2009. Since I began writing on May 20, 2009, I'm going to go ahead and copy those entries here:

May 20, 2009
Seth gets a mean case of hiccups every day. They rock his whole existence haha. Isaac thinks they are called "haircups" and always points them out and mimics the sound.

After explaining to Isaac how Seth gets his food, he demonstrated how well he understood. He told me Seth was hungry, grabbed an empty bottle, and held it up to my boob. ..Cute kid...

Kevin goes back to work tomorrow! He took 2 weeks off after Seth was born to help out, so tomorrow will be my first official stay at home by myself mommy day. Wish me luck!

May 26, 2009
Seth is almost 3 weeks old, and thriving. He is already almost 10 pounds, and eats ALL THE TIME. He got his first bath yesterday, and didn't even cry! He looked confused the whole time, but at least he wasn't screaming.

Isaac is being an awesome big brother. He is a bit upset about getting a little less attention, but he doesn't take it out on Seth. He loves holding Seth (with help, of course) and tells him he loves him. He also likes helping with diaper changes, because he thinks Seth's little belly, arms, and legs are fascinating. We're also making sure Isaac gets plenty of mom & dad time. I read his Thomas book to him every night before bed, and sing him his special song. He also got to go with dad to get ice cream today.

Last Saturday was the family reunion at Del Valle. We brought the boys so everyone could meet Seth. We are still sleep deprived, so Kevin, Seth, and I only stayed a couple of hours. Isaac was having so much fun that he stayed with Grandpa. He came home around 8 covered in dirt and with 2 skinned knees.. sure sign that the boy had fun!

June 2, 2009
Isaac was at daycare today, so Seth and I went to visit Auntie Mona at Zac's Cafe. I got to eat an awesome breakfast, and Auntie Mona got some baby time.

Isaac is doing awesome with the potty training. We had some issues once Seth got home from the hospital, but they seem to have cleared up.


June 8, 2009
We took family photos yesterday.. it did not go so well! We got great pictures of Seth, because he is too little to object. Isaac, however, looked like his puppy died in every picture. He is too much like his mom! Has his own mind and won't do anything he doesn't want to. He is not a performer. I'm sure we'll look back at the pictures in 10 years and think they are hilarious.

Seth is a month old now... TIME FLIES. He is developing so fast. Already 12 pounds (95th percentile for his age), and holds his head up for quite some time on his own. Very strong, and he is more and more active every day. He definitely focuses on our faces now, and recognizes voices, Isaac is becoming more and more involved, so I think Seth will start responding to him shortly. I hope they are friends. I want so badly for them to experience toe same closeness that Mona and I did. Time will tell!

June 17, 2009
What a busy weekend/week! Last Saturday we went to Pittsburg for Christina's son's 3rd birthday party. It was at a park, so Isaac had fun. They also had a jumper, which he always loves. The girls from work all held Seth, and it was great to see them. I sometimes think I miss work, but it is really just the people! I made such good friends there.

Sunday was Mona's graduation party (she graduated from her MBA program). It was at my Dad's house. Both sides of the family were there, which never happens! Everyone got to meet Seth. Isaac brought his Razor scooter and played with cousin Josephine.

Seth will be 6 weeks old on Thursday, and he is starting to smile. :)

July 1, 2009
So busy! Seth is almost 2 months old now. Staying awake longer during the day, smiling (so sweet), and cooing. Isaac likes staying home with me. He never wants to go to daycare anymroe, but going part time is good for him to socialize & good for a little break for me. He has SO MUCH energy. We've been reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and his Curious George book every day. We won't be able to afford preschool, so I'm working hard with him! He knows all of his letters, can count, and knows his colors and shapes. So smart!

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