Wednesday, September 29, 2010

So many teeth.

I don't know how I pulled it off.

1. Seth had his first dentist appointment today! Both of my kids got their teeth extremely early, and they said because he has 10 teeth already, he should start regular check ups/cleanings. He was the youngest patient they ever had, and did SO GOOD. He let them polish all of his teeth and put the fluoride on. 

2. Once he was done, I got MY teeth cleaned. I thought they were insane to suggest we have appointments at the same time, because Seth's attention span is about 5 minutes max. They turned on a Thomas movie for the boys, he sat in his stroller eating goldfish, and I actually got through my appointment. The boys started fight at one point toward the end, but I turned my "mom voice" on and they cut it out. The dentist was impressed and how quickly I can switch into mom mode. ;)

If anyone is looking for a good family dentist in the area, I highly recommend Dublin Family Dentistry. We go to Dr. Chen, and the atmosphere is so welcoming it makes going to the dentist not so bad (which is hard for me!). They have great hours so you'll be able to go without taking time off of work. Check them out on Yelp . 

Test, test!

Got a sweet blogger app on my android (old school G1). Seems to be working :)

Monday, September 27, 2010


I swear Seth said it yesterday, but it was only once and he won't do it again. Did I trick myself, or is he really playing a cruel game with me?

Friday, September 24, 2010



Much like me when I was his age, Isaac is very reserved and quiet in new situations. This has been the case in Kindergarten, so I've been keeping in touch with his teacher about his progress. I just got this email from her today:

Wow, no worries because Isaac is coming out of his shell! Sometimes, I 
have to ask him to quiet down on the carpet! 
It was so cute.......I asked him to write his letters with his group
and the other kids made a big deal cuz he wrote some!
Mrs. L

Had to laugh, because now she'll realize it's harder to get him to quiet down than it is to get him to talk!  

Monday, September 20, 2010

Family update

For the first time ever, Kevin and I are BOTH in school! I have a full-time schedule, and Kevin is starting off with 2 online classes. We are about a month into the semester, and are handling it well. I am so, so grateful for his support. I honestly couldn't do it without him, and the motivation our kids give me to provide the best I can for them.

Kevin works 40+ hours a week while I stay home with the boys, and I go to school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. Last Friday was my last day watching Anaiyah (a.k.a Queen Princess Anaiyah). I wish I could have continued, but it was really too much for me once school started. I found a great replacement daycare for her, so I hope today goes smoothly for her AND Khahiliah. We all know it is harder on the moms.. :)
Here is the little mama on her last day with me. Khahiliah made sure to dress her in all pink for me. The boys will truly miss her, and so will I.

To pick up the slack for the lost income, I've started working every Saturday at Zac's Cafe. I just got the news that I'll be taking over Sundays too, starting mid-October! I love working there, especially since I'll work with my sister every day I'm there.

Love to all. <3

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hand me downs! The curse of the younger sibling.

This was my FAVORITE shirt of Isaac's, and I squeezed him into it for far too long. It now fits Seth!! Call it narcissism, but I am entirely too excited about this haha.

In other news, Isaac is doing well in Kindergarten! He has made friends with "the kid with the Mario backpack," who I later found out was Jayden. They now play Super Mario and Super Luigi, and jump around at recess (Isaac is Mario, of course). He also is settled into the routine of me dropping him off and Kevin picking him up, and gets offended when I tell him that I have to pick him up sometimes. He acts like it is a grave injustice that is all my fault. If only daddy weren't SO cool...   :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Seth is a HAM. He is always putting on a show, trying to make people smile. His favorite place to put stickers is his nose, probably because it gets the most laughs from people. He also sticks his finger as far up it as he can because that always ensures a laugh from somebody.

He is an all around pistol. If he isn't hamming it up looking for laughs, he is throwing himself on the ground with tantrums. He started this around 12 months, which the doctor assures me is very advanced socially. Way to excel, Seth. :P

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Just read through the blog for some reminiscing, and realized how desperate I sound about Seth saying Mommy. I promise to drop the subject, and will only mention it again when it happens!


Life is good. Love my three boys.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We are done with week 1 of Kindergarten, and so far, so good! He is acting like it's no big deal and like he does it all the time. When I picked him up the first day the kids were slowly coming outside looking for their parents, and then melting into their parent's arms looking overwhelmed. Isaac comes out, sees me, says "Hey Mom," takes my hand starts walking away. He is way too cool haha.

So proud of him. I walk him to school and see him with his backpack on, running around like a maniac, and it just blows my mind. Such a KID now. My little shy, handsome baby is a big boy (cue tears).