How has it been 7 months since I've updated?! Oh, that's right.. I have 5 and 1 year old boys and am going to school. That must be how, but it doesn't make me feel any less like a slacker! SO much has happened in the past 7 months, so I'll try and update you on it all..
1. Seth is WALKING and TALKING. He started walking at 9 months, probably because he wants so badly to be wherever Isaac is. He is now running and climbing, and wearing me out! He says a few words.. "Daddy," "Isaa" (Isaac), "hey," "bye," and "pudgy." Yes, pudgy, which is what Kevin calls him. Hopefully we aren't giving him a complex haha. He of course doesn't say Mommy because I want him to so badly.
2. Isaac starts KINDERGARTEN in September, and he is so ready. He has started to read a few words, including "start" and "time is up." Why? Because of Super Mario. I guess video games can be educational after all. He loves Mario now and calls himself Mario, Kevin is Luigi, I'm Princess Peach, and Seth is Toad.
3. We've had 2 birthdays - Isaac turned 5 and Seth turned 1 in the first week of May. We had a combined party at the park and Isaac's friends from Pre-K came.
4. I just realized I haven't updated at all since Seth got sick. When Seth was almost 6 months old we took him to the Dr because he had a lingering cough after we had all gotten colds. He was diagnosed with asthma, and put on breathing treatments every 4 hours at home. A week later he woke up in the middle of the night wheezing and I rushed him to the ER. He was blue by the time we got there, and they immediately started IV and nebulized medications. He spent 4 days in the hospital... it was an extremely difficult time for the whole family, to say the least. He was still smiling the whole time, and the nurses fell in love with him. After 5 months, countless doctors, and a specialist from UCSF, he finally is symptom free. He was on steroids for most of the 5 months, which means none of us got any sleep. We are so grateful the ordeal seems to be over, and that it hasn't held him back at all. He is such a fighter..
Other than Seth's respiratory problems, things have been going pretty well for us. The boys get along and are starting to play together. I'm going to school and have been able to keep my grades up, and Kevin is starting school in the Fall. It is crazy and stressful going to school while having two young children, but I know that in 10 years it will be SO worth it. I can't wait to own a home for the kids... for them to have a backyard to play in, their own rooms, and a dog.
I promise to update more!